Trump’s Border Policy Disaster

Make no mistake. Trump has blood on his hands on the border issue.

Trump has been a complete disaster on the issue of border policy. Separating families, kids in cages, Title 42 which denied legal due process to innocent refugees, the murdering, raping, and kidnapping of an estimated 10,000 innocents by forcing them to be returned to their tormentors in Mexico, etc. The list goes on. They are the most un-Christlike actions that I can imagine.

In Trump’s America, the Statue of Liberty should be returned to France. Let’s not forget that if you are not Native American, then you too are an immigrant.

The political right has created real fear from a false narrative about “Migrant Crime” solely for political gain. Most all asylum seekers are normal, hard working people. Everyday Americans actually have higher crime statistics than migrants. Every time Trump talks of criminals being sent to our country en masse, he is just full of shit.

Oh and by the way, border crossings are currently at a multiyear low and are trending downward.

Burying the Lead…

But the biggest, most unforgivable action that Trump has made was in the derailing of a bipartisan border bill that could be in effect at this very moment. Our border could be in much better shape if it wasn’t being used as a political chess piece that Trump is willing to sacrifice.

Let that sink in. Trump is responsible for failing to improve the border situation, solely for political gain. He really doesn’t care about the border, it’s just a talking point for him.

And if you choose to buy into the false narrative of migrant crime and the influx of murderers, then yes, Trump has blood on his tiny, little hands.

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