Trump Dishonors Dead Veterans

I didn’t think he was actually this stupid, but last week Donald decided to turn Arlington National Cemetery, where our most decorated war heroes have been laid to rest, into a cheap campaign photo shoot.

First, apologies for the inane actions of our insensitive and moronic single-term president, who is currently watching his poll numbers slip away. What he did is an absolute disgrace.

Second, what he did was illegal. When an official tried to stop it, she was physically pushed out of the way and verbally assaulted. Add more insult to injury. But Trump has proven over and over again that he has no respect for laws that apply to him. Besides losing virtually all his lawsuits (business fraud, sexual assault, claims of a stolen election, etc.) his campaign just ignores artists’ rights. Basically, Chump does does what he wants, regardless of whether it is ethical or legal.

Trump’s video message was about the Afghanistan withdrawal. We should keep in mind that the withdrawal was negotiated by Trump with the Taliban. As McMaster points out, Trump had a very active part in the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Holding a Trump rally with a captive posthumous audience (which gives the impression that all the fallen soldiers at the cemetery supported him) may seem like a great idea to a short-sighted, inconsiderate moron, but it is a horrible and inconsiderate action. Chump visited fallen Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee’s grave for the photo op. Her mother-in-law would probably be rightfully upset if a Democratic politician posed in front of her family’s grave, and used the imagery for a campaign ad. If this sounds cold and insensitive, it is. And that just drives home the point about the gravity of Trump’s actions.

For the record, I could not find any information on Sgt. Gee’s political affiliation. It’s her mother-in-law who has been most vocal. Her actual parents appear to be silent about the whole ordeal. At best, they would all agree with Chump’s actions. At worst…

There is a thin line between being a maverick and an asshole. It’s clear that Donald has crossed that line.

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