Compare and Contrast

There has been a lot of commentary about the presidential debate last week. Certainly, Chump lived up to his assigned namesake; Harris exposed him for the fool that he is.

A lot of people have focused on specific statements, but my favorite part was seen, not heard.

Let’s take a second to zoom in on the infamous, “They’re eating the dogs…” comment.

I find the juxtaposition between an extremely serious Donald Chump making an absurd and outlandish claim, and the split-screen window of Kamala Harris laughing it off with the reaction from a good bar joke, to be priceless. I think it sums up the whole debate.

Here is the clip on YouTube for your amusement.

Donald Trump is a RINO

The old saying is “If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it’s a duck.”

Chump frequently calls people who don’t agree with him or his positions a “RINO.” The term stands for Republican in Name Only.

Recently, there has been a steady drip of old-school, conservative Republicans who have either come out in support of Kamala Harris, or have withheld support for Donald.

Endorsing Harris

  • Former Vice President Dick Cheny
  • Former Rep. Liz Cheny
  • Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger
  • Jimmy McCain (John McCain’s son)
  • Olivia Troye (national security issues for Vice President Mike Pence)
  • Anthony Scaramucci (Former White House Communications Director under Trump)
  • Stephanie Grisham (Former White House press secretary under Trump and chief of staff to first lady Melania Trump)
  • Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan

Refuse to Endorse Trump

What’s the point of this list? When you have old-school, conservative Republicans like Dick Cheny and Mitt Romney (who are true Republicans) soundly rejecting Trump, it begs the question:

Is Trump an actual Republican, or is he just a RINO?

A Bald-Faced Liar

These days, American’s outsource their truth. What news organization do you trust? What clergy, comedian, political pundit, etc., do you select to define your truth? Are you even in conflict with their views?

Sure, all politicians lie to one extent or another. That’s expected. Weasel-words and half truths are the part of the game. It’s the spin that matters.

Trump takes it to the next level. When faced with the facts, he knows that repeating a lie will eventually make it true for his followers.

Trump has repeatedly stated easily disputable and unproven lies.

Crowd sizes? Trump recently implied that his Jan 6th crowd size was similar to Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream crowd. Why is Trump so fascinated with crowd size? Overcompensating for something?

Mexico Will Pay for the Border Wall – Nope, they didn’t.

The Deep State – Anyone or anything that disagrees with Trump is labeled the Deep State. There is no proof it does, or has ever existed. But the agenda of Project 2025 seeks to create one. Read about Article F.

The Path of Hurricane DorianJust a little sharpie line will increase the path to include Alabama.

The 2020 Election was Stolen. There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud, and an variety of judges (some Trump appointed) evaluated and dismissed the 62 lawsuits that Trump brought to prove his claims.

These are just a few examples. There are literally thousands like these. Trump spouts out lies at a staggering rate. It’s not normal, and clearly indicative of some pathology.

Trump’s falsehoods can be easily dismissed just by looking at the evidence. If you outsource your truth to Trump, you will have to accept his outright lies. Sadly, many do.

Where Trump Crossed the Line

We can disagree about politics. Abortion, LGBTQ rights, how we spend money, what wars we support…no problem there. But we cannot support a president who crossed the line and actively attempted to undermine the peaceful transfer of power. This single act posed an existential threat to our democracy.

On January 6th, 2021, Donald Trump did just that.

The founders of our great nation (wrongfully) assumed that the president would play by the rules. Would not be a criminal. Would faithfully support the constitution and the principles that our country was founded on. And when the Civil War arrived, it became apparent that guardrails needed to be put in place to protect our fragile democracy.

Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment was born.

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

It’s that simple. Case closed.


Something’s wrong here. Something’s really wrong. Can’t have happened. And we fight. We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.

-Donald Trump on Jan 6th 2021, seconds before sending the crowd to storm the Capitol.


“My first acts as your next President will be to Close the Border, DRILL, BABY, DRILL, and Free January 6 Hostages being wrongfully imprisoned!”

Trump post on Truth Social, March 11, 2024