What Trump Did Not Do…

Trump Did Not…

Create an infrastructure bill that created American jobs, fixed roads & bridges, extended communication systems, bolstered transportation options, cleaned up polluted areas, and made a strong commitment to fighting climate change. (Biden delivered the infrastructure package that Trump only promised.)

Bring down the cost of insulin for Medicare patients to $35. (Biden would have extended it to all Americans, but the Republicans narrowed it to just Medicare patients.)

Discharge student loans for the folks who were struggling the most. (Biden’s student debt relief did.)

Bring critical microchip manufacturing back to the USA from China, securing our technical supply chain and increasing American jobs. (Biden’s CHIPS and Science Act did.)

Support the Ukrainians. (His praise of Putin is downright weird and scary.)

Provide much-needed financial relief for American middle and lower-class families. Increased health care coverage for low income people. (Biden’s Build Back Better did.)

Provide green energy tax breaks for homeowners.

Reaffirm our status and partnership as a world power with our allies. (Remember this total asshole move by Trump as he pushed aside another NATO member and stood in the spotlight?)

Oversaw the highest stock market levels ever. (Thanks, Joe!)

Trump Tried To…

Kick 24,000,000 people off of health care by attempting to kill the Affordable Care Act. Although promised, there was no, nor is there still, an alternate plan to the ACA.

Suggest that bleach should be injected into COVID patients. Lol, his stable genius on full display.

Trump Succeeded at:

Giving a huge tax cut to the wealthiest Americans while branding it as a tax cut for the middle class. (I didn’t feel it in my paycheck, did you?)

A strong commitment to fossil fuels and increasing the effect of climate change. Drill baby, drill is a recipe for climate disaster.

Successfully delayed the peaceful transfer of power by rallying an angry mob to storm the Capitol on January 6th, 2021, and stop the election certification. (There was support by Trump to hang Mike Pence that day.)

Repealed a woman’s right to choose, overturning 50 years of settled law. (According to Trump, only States, not patients should decide their treatment options, even if the outcome may result in the pregnant woman’s death.)

Added over $7.8 trillion dollars to the deficit. (To put these numbers in perspective, one million dollars is to one trillion dollars like a single penny is to $10,000. That’s a hell of a lot of millions!)

Ripped refugee children from their mothers and fathers, and locked them up in cages. (Who would Jesus cage?)

Effectively neutered the EPA and the Department of Education, and damaged the United States Postal Service.

Stacked the court with conservative justices who do not represent the religious, political, and ideology of the majority of the American people. (For example, Catholics make up about 22% of the US population, but the Supreme Court is about 78% Caltholic (7 of 9 justices identify as Catholic.)

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