Widespread Voter Fraud Discovered!

A concerted effort to undermine democracy and overthrow the will of the people has been exposed.

  • Was this by ballot stuffing/harvesting? No.
  • Undocumented people voting? No.
  • Voting machines flipping votes? No.

This action was found to be highly organized and funded, and sought to shift the outcome of the upcoming election.

How does this operation work? (Sadly, it is still in effect today.)

  1. Create a mass disinformation campaign that claims voter fraud is occurring on a massive scale. Provide absolutely no proof to substantiate the claims. It’s just a lie.
  2. Use that lie to impose restrictions and make it harder for legitimate citizens to vote. Sew distrust and create barriers to separate voters from their right to vote. Disenfranchise as many Democrats as possible in an effort to steal the election.
  3. Create court cases in battleground states to challenge the results of free and fair elections.
  4. Sew distrust and unrest among Americans. Discourage them from voting, because Republicans lose when everyone votes, due to their unpopular policies.
  5. Watch democracy crumble.

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